Monday, October 24


As always, the wise eddie with profoundly true words. eddie if you're reading this, I miss you!

i've learned that just because 2 people argue, it doesn't mean that they dont love each other. and just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean that they do.

i've learned that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

i've learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. the same goes for true love.

So anyway, today is labour day, no school but plenty work to do =/

photos from this week

red-yellow tulips in the garden

the inside of the tulip at the front door

chess, carol and I when we were having apple pie on the deck

matriarch and her other half at starbucks last night, we were just about to burst into fits of laughter with chess and carol already snorting with laughter opposite us.

the back deck with a bucket of lavenders in an ugly pail

that's all for now (:

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