Saturday, October 22

Not much has been happened since I last blogged, well, nothing significant at least. Life is goooot.

Dad being here for a week has definitely been fantastic. So much fun to have him around and next year when Co comes, it will be even more exciting! Miss you Co..

School had a pool competition today that was pretty cool, I think I will definitely miss school when it ends. Already I think next week is either the last official teaching week or the second last, and after that, no more HS-A. Everyone is too caught up trying to revise for the exams that realising that we won't be a class anymore after this isn't much. It's not like Sg when there's post-exam nonsense, over here, exam over, fly home!

Fifi my charmer, =D your email is on the tip on my fingers (: hahaha, I wanted to do it tonight, but I'm about to fall asleep and figured I wouldn't be able to write all I wanted so I figured I would blog instead.

Long weekend now so it is 3 days of decent studying for me, I hope. Dad leaves on Monday, but it's not too bad cos the whole family gets to be together in slightly over a month! Very very exciting thought!

I'll be back in Sg from Dec 7 right up to Mid-feb and I really don't know whether I want to get an interesting job or commit myself to some other form of work, or just veg and tai-tai with carol and mum. It's so disheartening thinking of getting a job in Sg where the minimum wage is PATHETIC. Minimum wage here is over $10 which is nearly double. hiyarrrrrrrr.

Hans and I are going to be in seperate countries for 2.5 months, and the last time it was 2.5 weeks. He's going to be working and I guess I want to keep busy too. But in Dec there's my birthday, Christmas, and family from Oz coming, and in Jan, there's CNY, so it's really neither here nor there. I just feel like such a wastrel though if I were to just tai-tai around and not do something productive with my time.

OHHHHhhh, the other day I went running!! Hahahaa, and it's a big deal because many many months ago when I last intended to run with chess after school, I made it down the driveway and slipped into the neighbours house because it was too cold and I was being lazy. Chess went to run though. And since then she has been running pretty consistently while I stay in my room to flag her off, and come out of my room to occassionally greet her at the door if she's lucky. We ran a not-bad distance (in my opinion), and not being very used to exercising in the cold, thin air here, I felt like my lungs were filling up with liquid and my chest tightening. Yuck, it's not so bad in the gym though when it is slightly warmer. So yes, now I feel a comfortable tightness in my thighs from running because I did not stretch after coming back. Thankyoop chesky for running with me and being an excellent running partner. Chessy does not complain and jogs quietly while I pant, wheeze, dribble and stumble beside her. Her music even died halfway. Yes, kowtow to chessy now, the quiet worker. AHAHHAHAHAHAAA.

It's slightly past my ridiculously-early bedtime and my brain is clouding over (if there's such a word).

Here's a platitude for you: have a good day (sucker) HAHAHAHAHHAAAA ok i should just shuddup and go to sleep.

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