Thursday, October 6

of burning thighs and bruised crotches

hi babies we're back from our bike trip! :P we did two parts of the rail trail with 9 other schoolmates and 3 staff member's kids. it was fuuuunnn (:

it was all off-road which meant no vehicles, but lots of gravel and small rocks to cycle on which made it pretty hard when you were tired! if you know me well enough, you'll know that when i walk in a group, i can't walk straight, and i just found out it's exactly the same when i'm cycling. so i spent a total of 55km (32 of the first day; 23 on the second day) swerving left and right like some retard and cycling off the path which made it even harder for myself.

the first day was crazy hard! for chess it was like cruising along East Coast Park, but for me my thighs started burning like crazy and it wouldn't let. my muscles got tighter and tighter and burned fiercer and fiercer. =/ but i pushed and finished it, going through tunnels was like my saviour cos it meant i could dismount and walk! it was really awesome. most of the time chess, hans, ringo and i cycled quite close together and the scenery was amazing. we stopped often to take pictures and climb rocks and wow, i think i might want to do it again! the weather was horrible though and we had gale-force winds in our face throwing us off course, and rain and damn it was cold! thank you chess for cycling beside me though i think you could have covered twice the distance with your energy! and thank you hans for giving me that little push :)

the second day felt more like a ride along ECP! it was 23km which was much easier to complete and we went through two tunnels and it was a very slight slope which meant less peddling! we climbed rock faces and the view was incredible! we also cycled on bridges that were 300m above the water. on the last leg, there was a stupid magpie that started swooping at hans and pecking his helmet. 6 times! chess and i were screaming with laughter and trying to peddle as fast as we could to avoid being pecked at. hilarious.

another real problem i had was crossing these skinny bridges on my bike that had an inch room both ways. dismounting would be too troublesome cos getting back on would be too painful for my bruised bum. read threemen for chess' account of my fall from grace after an attempt to cross one of those bridges.

chess and i shared a room and i punched her in the face at night. i remember my arm falling onto her face from above and her shouting Ouch! but that's all i remember. hahahahaa.

well, pictures will be uploaded soon!

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