Tuesday, October 4

martha and arthur stewart (:

it's the holidays for a week and damn i'm loving it (: i'm trying to strike a good balance between spending time with hans and studying effectively. it is sad to think that this is the last holiday break we're going to get in Foundation, and following this, it's full-on work leading to our exams =/ yikes. Hans and I will both be caught up with work and before we know it, it'll be exams, and after exams, we're both leaving to go back home for 2half months. it's shopping for a week in sydney with chess, carol and carol's friend, then zzoooomm back to singapore landing on my birthday (: life is sweet!

1) daylight savings started on sunday and i'm still experiencing a lag. i sleep slightly later and i've bee struggling to wake up. the good thing though is having the daylight for more hours in the day. so darlings, nz is now 5h ahead of sg.

2) got some sort of food poisoning during the day and it was downright gross. thank god i did not throw up (i was praying really hard i wouldnt) and now i don't think i want to eat zero-calorie glass noodles anymore. i feel heaps better now, i really hate nausea and queasiness. =/

3) hans came up after dinner and we became martha and arthur stewart (: i really enjoy cooking and baking with him. when it comes to cooking, i come up with the ideas but he provides the technical skills, and when it comes to baking, he provides the art-sy talent. so today we made chocolate brownie that was rlly yummy, and an untouched lemon custard tart with candied lemon slices in the oven for breakfast/tea tmr. took rlly long to make but it is always fun!

we're going to collect our rented bikes for our bike trip on wed/thur and i'm pretty excited. we're cycling 30-40km each day on wed/thur to central otago, and we get to take this really scenic train route back. plus at the farmstay there's kayaks and all sort of activities and hopefully i can get chesky to do some stuff with me!

here's hoping that i get heaps of work done this week, and also plenty quality time with hans and my family. Oh i love holidays =)

willowbank mich: all the best for your exams! study hard then enjoy your time in sg with lots of shopping!! =D take care XOXO :D

raro: GIRLLLL! ehehehhee, you're probably not going to read this for awhile with your promos now, but i get such a high talking to you each time that we must do it again soon! all the best for promos and remember everything i said during the last chat! ;) 071205 muah!

co: trust me cokefoke, you're going to find yourself having heaps and heaps of fun, and sure you're going to get occasional pangs when u miss your friends, but don't worry, you'll find friends here too, and the best part will be having friends from all over the world here, and all your cool friends in sg too! loveyou!

xiaoen: hey xiaozers! all the best for your promos ok? you can do it! you've studied well and hard and you deserve your good marks.. take care and i'll talk to you soon k? see you in sg in dec! XOXO

nettos: heya, it's awesome how we (and lots of others) have this thing that can never been taken from us, and that is the memories of the years in mg. it was great having you in my class for two whole years and yeah, treasure your time spent in AC cos it'll become as memorable as your time was in mg. but for now, concentrate on your promos! take care and all the best ;) XOXO

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