For Fathers' Day today, my dad bought a new car for the family! When I say new car for the family, it actually means a learning car for Carol, Co and I that won't cause a massive heart ache if we accidentally dent. One day when I become so so fine at driving and whizzing around, I am going to buy myself a reeeaallly flash car to zoom around in. But for now I will happily settle for second-hand Jap car to bring me places! So, to commemorate this fine fine landmark day, we have decided to name the car old soul. Happy Fathers' Day, Pap!
This weekend has been a breakthrough one. My mum sat in my car for the first time in 2 years of me (learning to) driving. Of course she didn't have a choice, we were in the middle of nowhere test driving cars, but MAN I would have fainted if I were her. Like Hans gently reminded me while trying to resucitate the car You're stalling in the middle of a highway, Jo. Scary part was that I wasn't panicking because I've been in hairier situations. I CAN'T WAIT TO BE ABLE TO DRIVE properly!

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