I got a new temporary(till I go back to Singapore) job working with Meghan, a 17-year-old intellectually disabled girl after school from Mon-Fri. I always relish the opportunity of a new challenge, but this one has really gotten me stuck in a rut! It is my 3rd day into the job and I am running out of ideas to sustain Meghan's interest! I am running out of Martha Stewart's craft suggestions that she is capable of doing...
Apart from that, I am glad that I found this job. I am definitely not proclaiming it to be a breeze as I have been finding myself trying to come up with something new to do with her everyday, but there is so much to learn from a disabled girl who sees the world differently. Seriously, I come from Singapore, and where I come from, disabled children aren't integrated into society like they are here. As a result, apart from the 6hours of community work you're forced to do, you really aren't exposed to very much of the real world, the real world where not everyone comes out perfect and smart and capable of everything.
I see Meghan go about her day-to-day activities with a huge amount of deliberation and effort and I realise how much I take for granted. Say for example, I take for granted the fact that I can watch a movie and understand it completely after that, whereas for someone intellectually-challenged, even after watching it multiple times, your brain simply can't understand even the basic storyline. Meghan has watched Finding Nemo about a million times, and is only just slowly beginning to grasp the gist of the story.
It is such a cliche, but everyday I am reminded that life really is more than just about being rich and having fun, fun and more fun.

i want to be a plastic surgeon when i grow up!
Wednesday, November 22
Saturday, November 18
hans' surprise

A few weeks back just before Hans left, he snuck off to the beach with some friends to "go see sea lions before sunset" Carol, Brent, Jen and I joined them a few hours after expecting to be lighting fireworks for Guy Fawkes day. Instead, I see Hans, Jodie and Jacky across at the other end of the beach going waving to me. I see a small flame, and soon this huge masterpiece burst into flames in front of me. I was at a bad angle, but you can sort of see the words 'I heart you ' in the picture. He shouted I love you Jo before stamping out the fire, and I melted.
i love you too, hans
Sunday, November 12
is when you are about to go to bed because you are shacked, but you've just had cups of water and you know that you are going to wake up about a gabillion times to pee at night
AGHHHH, it does not help that the loo is so far away, and by the time I make it there and back, I am already wide awake.
AGHHHH, it does not help that the loo is so far away, and by the time I make it there and back, I am already wide awake.
Wednesday, November 8
i am not dead
"you're no longer a sporadic blogger, you're a dead blogger" -Mum
Why hello :)
I know I haven't blogged in about 1m8days, I've been busy with things...nice things :)
So much has happened, but I'll update you on the present.
My exams are over,
my boyfriend has gone to the US,
I am now a very very free woman.
I have yet to get used to this free-ness. It's only been the first day of Hans' absence, I will see how in a week or so. You know how Izzie bakes like crazy after Denny dies? I think I am beginning that phase except thank God Hans isn't gone forever. Tonight I baked snow-capped espresso cookies and had it at night. I don't know how I am going to sleep tonight.
I'm working as a part-time nanny for a family and also as an occasional preschool reliever. All this for pocket money so that I am not a poor girl when I go to Taiwan in Jan. I love my work, I don't even consider it work. Its too fun to be considered work
I've started going to the gym. After two years of going from crazy-exercise-bunny to stagnant-idle -(insert anything gross here)-fatso, I have finally signed a contract allowing a gym to suck money out of my account monthly. If nothing else will motivate me, at least the thought of doing something to get my money's worth will! I am so unfit that everything (I bet even my bones) ache. I must I must LOSE SOME OF THAT FAT OFF MY ARSE. Who can forget those Judy Blume books? :)
Shiny: I'm glad you liked the card. You know, it took me TWO weeks to finally send it off to you, so I'm sure it only got to you after all the birthday excitement had worn off. You're probably not going to see this till after your As, so I hope it went well :) XOXO
Fi: I blogged, finally! I miss you, I haven't seen you in ages and ages, come back soon (when I'm around) I hope you're enjoying uni life, won't you email me one day? :)
Why hello :)
I know I haven't blogged in about 1m8days, I've been busy with things...nice things :)
So much has happened, but I'll update you on the present.
My exams are over,
my boyfriend has gone to the US,
I am now a very very free woman.
I have yet to get used to this free-ness. It's only been the first day of Hans' absence, I will see how in a week or so. You know how Izzie bakes like crazy after Denny dies? I think I am beginning that phase except thank God Hans isn't gone forever. Tonight I baked snow-capped espresso cookies and had it at night. I don't know how I am going to sleep tonight.
I'm working as a part-time nanny for a family and also as an occasional preschool reliever. All this for pocket money so that I am not a poor girl when I go to Taiwan in Jan. I love my work, I don't even consider it work. Its too fun to be considered work
I've started going to the gym. After two years of going from crazy-exercise-bunny to stagnant-idle -(insert anything gross here)-fatso, I have finally signed a contract allowing a gym to suck money out of my account monthly. If nothing else will motivate me, at least the thought of doing something to get my money's worth will! I am so unfit that everything (I bet even my bones) ache. I must I must LOSE SOME OF THAT FAT OFF MY ARSE. Who can forget those Judy Blume books? :)
Shiny: I'm glad you liked the card. You know, it took me TWO weeks to finally send it off to you, so I'm sure it only got to you after all the birthday excitement had worn off. You're probably not going to see this till after your As, so I hope it went well :) XOXO
Fi: I blogged, finally! I miss you, I haven't seen you in ages and ages, come back soon (when I'm around) I hope you're enjoying uni life, won't you email me one day? :)
Saturday, September 30
the sudden twist
Lately I have been so busy with work and other random activities that I haven't been updating. When I update (like so!) it means that something significant and important has cropped up that has justified a blog entry.
Everyone who has known me for long enough knows that for as long as I've been around, I have wanted to study medicine and eventually become a doctor that (hopefully) saves lives. It feels like it's nearly programmed into my genetic code ---> grow up watching inspiring ER-type dramas, study hard, get into Med school, slave at it, become a successful doctor. Simple as that. The interest, the passion, I feel nearly inbred having my father, my grandfather, my granduncles, grandaunts etc all being(been) doctors, some even being pioneers in their respective fields.
Life seems to like pulling the carpet from beneath me because all of a sudden, I feel like my life has taken a sharp turn and I feel nearly breathless from the sudden change in my life's events.
Don't ask me again - I'm not in Med school, I am in a First Year Health Sciences course that within your pool, leaves you competing for spaces in professional courses such as Med, Dent, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, etc. In the beginning of the year, it was about 1600 students competing for the hot choices, but now the number has dwindled down some.
The competition to get into Medicine is tremendous. It is (at times) sickening, underhanded, selfish and too competitive. Sometimes it feels like people don't know why they want to get into Med School, just that maybe because it is prestigious, exclusive and competitive to get into. The competition, together with a blend of other enlightening factors, have left me sickened. Crazy muggers and fiercely competitive students have, to me, bastardized the essence of studying medicine - that is, to learn the art and principle of healing. It is now, to some, all about getting into something that is exclusive and highly admired in their respective countries. Who cares about helping and service to the community, I just want to be revered. Whatever.
I've thought hard about it, consulted many, and asked myself carefully - Do I want to sacrifice a huge portion of my life in the pursuit of continual medical education? Do I want to give up potential "being a mother" time slaving at the hospital trying to gain residency? Do I want to be on call all morning and night? I've been through these lists in my head endlessly for days on end now, and I've decided.
I've decided that although a fierce passion to become a doctor and serve the community lies in my heart, it isn't enough to drive me through the endless sacrifices required of a doctor, including endless studying and on-call hours to clinch a stable position within the hospital (which in itself will take years and years), and the thought of having to sacrifice a lot when I eventually become a wife and a mother.
I've prayed about this some, but the answer as to what I should then do isn't clear to me. I have decided that I will study as though I am driven to get into Med, I will then see which doors God closes for me, and which he opens. From there, I will make my decision as to the step I will take towards my eventual career path. So this means that Med isn't totally out of the books, but it means that I feel that God might have other plans for me.
So the purpose of this entry is so when I say, no, I decided not to pursue Med in the end, you won't give me a shell-shocked omg you didn't look, nor will you give me a you are nothing but a huge let-down and a serious disappointment. I've thought further into the future than most people would normally because the last thing I want to do is regret in the future. So don't say I'm a disappointment, because contrary to what you think, I don't want to disappoint me in my future.
Everyone who has known me for long enough knows that for as long as I've been around, I have wanted to study medicine and eventually become a doctor that (hopefully) saves lives. It feels like it's nearly programmed into my genetic code ---> grow up watching inspiring ER-type dramas, study hard, get into Med school, slave at it, become a successful doctor. Simple as that. The interest, the passion, I feel nearly inbred having my father, my grandfather, my granduncles, grandaunts etc all being(been) doctors, some even being pioneers in their respective fields.
Life seems to like pulling the carpet from beneath me because all of a sudden, I feel like my life has taken a sharp turn and I feel nearly breathless from the sudden change in my life's events.
Don't ask me again - I'm not in Med school, I am in a First Year Health Sciences course that within your pool, leaves you competing for spaces in professional courses such as Med, Dent, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, etc. In the beginning of the year, it was about 1600 students competing for the hot choices, but now the number has dwindled down some.
The competition to get into Medicine is tremendous. It is (at times) sickening, underhanded, selfish and too competitive. Sometimes it feels like people don't know why they want to get into Med School, just that maybe because it is prestigious, exclusive and competitive to get into. The competition, together with a blend of other enlightening factors, have left me sickened. Crazy muggers and fiercely competitive students have, to me, bastardized the essence of studying medicine - that is, to learn the art and principle of healing. It is now, to some, all about getting into something that is exclusive and highly admired in their respective countries. Who cares about helping and service to the community, I just want to be revered. Whatever.
I've thought hard about it, consulted many, and asked myself carefully - Do I want to sacrifice a huge portion of my life in the pursuit of continual medical education? Do I want to give up potential "being a mother" time slaving at the hospital trying to gain residency? Do I want to be on call all morning and night? I've been through these lists in my head endlessly for days on end now, and I've decided.
I've decided that although a fierce passion to become a doctor and serve the community lies in my heart, it isn't enough to drive me through the endless sacrifices required of a doctor, including endless studying and on-call hours to clinch a stable position within the hospital (which in itself will take years and years), and the thought of having to sacrifice a lot when I eventually become a wife and a mother.
I've prayed about this some, but the answer as to what I should then do isn't clear to me. I have decided that I will study as though I am driven to get into Med, I will then see which doors God closes for me, and which he opens. From there, I will make my decision as to the step I will take towards my eventual career path. So this means that Med isn't totally out of the books, but it means that I feel that God might have other plans for me.
So the purpose of this entry is so when I say, no, I decided not to pursue Med in the end, you won't give me a shell-shocked omg you didn't look, nor will you give me a you are nothing but a huge let-down and a serious disappointment. I've thought further into the future than most people would normally because the last thing I want to do is regret in the future. So don't say I'm a disappointment, because contrary to what you think, I don't want to disappoint me in my future.
Monday, September 4
15 mins with an excavator
Sunday, August 27
longing but not really wanting
Sometimes when I get really absolutely brain-numbingly bored, I go onto friendster and stalk.
No matter how happy I am with my current life, after seeing pictures of friends and where they are at now, I always find myself with a sense of longing and nostalgia for what-was, although I might not necessarily want it in my current situation. I can't quite explain this funny feeling I get, but maybe it is a feeling of having left Singapore and so much that was important to me to set up shop in NZ. Life is so different for me now, I left my friends to come here, and obviously my friends have moved on. I feel so torn wanting to be with my friends and going wild, dizzy with teenage freedom, but at the same time happy to live my carefree existence with a set routine about my day that makes everything feel so normal. Sometimes I wonder whether I've seriously missed out big time coming here, or whether I'm heaps better off. It's just one of those days!
One week break and then it's the final stretch towards the finals for the year. Time this year has passed exceedingly quickly and I can barely stop to catch my breath. This year is the deciding year as to whether I score well enough to make it into Med-2 or another degree, yet I don't feel any stress, just peace at the thought that whatever the outcome, I will still feel happy and accomplished.
I have been scheming in my head different plans for my year next year and also my life in general. How many degrees do I want to study for? How soon do I want to marry? Where do I want to be in 10 years time? This is all so exciting yet I do feel lost in my head sometimes!
Francesca Oh, I hope you have a great time in UK. I will care for your special friend here, hahaha, don't you worry. Special like eeyore-special! HAHAHHAAA, I don't even think you will understand what I mean.
I miss so much, yet I don't miss anything at all.
No matter how happy I am with my current life, after seeing pictures of friends and where they are at now, I always find myself with a sense of longing and nostalgia for what-was, although I might not necessarily want it in my current situation. I can't quite explain this funny feeling I get, but maybe it is a feeling of having left Singapore and so much that was important to me to set up shop in NZ. Life is so different for me now, I left my friends to come here, and obviously my friends have moved on. I feel so torn wanting to be with my friends and going wild, dizzy with teenage freedom, but at the same time happy to live my carefree existence with a set routine about my day that makes everything feel so normal. Sometimes I wonder whether I've seriously missed out big time coming here, or whether I'm heaps better off. It's just one of those days!
One week break and then it's the final stretch towards the finals for the year. Time this year has passed exceedingly quickly and I can barely stop to catch my breath. This year is the deciding year as to whether I score well enough to make it into Med-2 or another degree, yet I don't feel any stress, just peace at the thought that whatever the outcome, I will still feel happy and accomplished.
I have been scheming in my head different plans for my year next year and also my life in general. How many degrees do I want to study for? How soon do I want to marry? Where do I want to be in 10 years time? This is all so exciting yet I do feel lost in my head sometimes!
Francesca Oh, I hope you have a great time in UK. I will care for your special friend here, hahaha, don't you worry. Special like eeyore-special! HAHAHHAAA, I don't even think you will understand what I mean.
I miss so much, yet I don't miss anything at all.
Friday, August 11
FOUR days till they come off (:
Firstly, Happy 18th Birthday Fi Smithy!
I am so sorry this took so long to come... I hope you like the present I got you (: XOXO
I have known feeeks since what... sec 2? And becoming friends with her has been the best thing ever. From tennis mates to becoming this person I can tell all my nonsense to! Love you babe!
Exam timetable is out and my four papers start in about 2plus months, and end by Oct 31st. And to kick off this soon-to-be-great pre-exam crazy study cycle, Hans has booked us into a (library) room for like 4hours on a (possibly nice and sunshiney) Saturday afternoon!! By the end of those 4hrs, I would have coloured my face with all my wonderful Faber Castell markers just from being cooped up in a yucky room. BUT IT'S OKAY! =)
I love the colours on my hair, but washing it so regularly has really faded the pretty colours. Now I'm more orangey-blondey-bits than reddish-orangey-blondey-bits. Right now I have trouble every morning trying to find clothes that won't clash with my crazy hair. I don't even wear earrings anymore in fear of becoming an eyesore. BUTTTT, I really like this hairstyle, and I won't cut and re-dye it until I absolutely have to. And that means me having worn all my black/white/easy-to-match clothes at least 20 times over (:
crystal/kristalle: Crystal you have been a fantastic regular blogger and I'm so happy with you! (: I miss you and hope you're doing rllyyy well, can't wait to go back and go swimming at the club with you! KRISTALLE POOON thanks for like never updating your blog! Go do something about it!! I hope you're realllyyy good, and we have to chat soon :) XOXOXO krystalles
I am so sorry this took so long to come... I hope you like the present I got you (: XOXO
I have known feeeks since what... sec 2? And becoming friends with her has been the best thing ever. From tennis mates to becoming this person I can tell all my nonsense to! Love you babe!
Exam timetable is out and my four papers start in about 2plus months, and end by Oct 31st. And to kick off this soon-to-be-great pre-exam crazy study cycle, Hans has booked us into a (library) room for like 4hours on a (possibly nice and sunshiney) Saturday afternoon!! By the end of those 4hrs, I would have coloured my face with all my wonderful Faber Castell markers just from being cooped up in a yucky room. BUT IT'S OKAY! =)
I love the colours on my hair, but washing it so regularly has really faded the pretty colours. Now I'm more orangey-blondey-bits than reddish-orangey-blondey-bits. Right now I have trouble every morning trying to find clothes that won't clash with my crazy hair. I don't even wear earrings anymore in fear of becoming an eyesore. BUTTTT, I really like this hairstyle, and I won't cut and re-dye it until I absolutely have to. And that means me having worn all my black/white/easy-to-match clothes at least 20 times over (:
crystal/kristalle: Crystal you have been a fantastic regular blogger and I'm so happy with you! (: I miss you and hope you're doing rllyyy well, can't wait to go back and go swimming at the club with you! KRISTALLE POOON thanks for like never updating your blog! Go do something about it!! I hope you're realllyyy good, and we have to chat soon :) XOXOXO krystalles
Monday, August 7
I haven't blogged in FRICKIN forever, but since I'm in the mood (:
In the month of July, I celebrated 2 birthdays, got damn sick, had an anniversary and had a hair comp.
Photos now because I'm too lazy to type. Be warned though that the hairr on moiz head goes from flat and drab to like crazayy

Co's 16th birthday - 17th July (:

Blackforest gateau yummmmm

Carol's 21st birthday - 26th July XOXO


Chessy is here for a visit! This is like the only photo I've taken with her so far. Hairdressing competition - 7 Aug

I modelled for my neighbour and she won 4th; her husband won 1st

my hair and the dirty mirror
staying still in an awkward position for 25 mins hurrts

The Addams family plus It dining on Asian
Lizzy Lim: I hope you've been realllyyy well. Chessay tells me you're damn funky now (: Can't wait to see you in dec! All the best for your prelims XOXO
Fi smithy: hope singapore's been treating you well babes! take in some sunshine for mee (: XOXO
In the month of July, I celebrated 2 birthdays, got damn sick, had an anniversary and had a hair comp.
Photos now because I'm too lazy to type. Be warned though that the hairr on moiz head goes from flat and drab to like crazayy

Co's 16th birthday - 17th July (:

Blackforest gateau yummmmm

Carol's 21st birthday - 26th July XOXO


Chessy is here for a visit! This is like the only photo I've taken with her so far. Hairdressing competition - 7 Aug

I modelled for my neighbour and she won 4th; her husband won 1st

my hair and the dirty mirror
staying still in an awkward position for 25 mins hurrts

The Addams family plus It dining on Asian
Lizzy Lim: I hope you've been realllyyy well. Chessay tells me you're damn funky now (: Can't wait to see you in dec! All the best for your prelims XOXO
Fi smithy: hope singapore's been treating you well babes! take in some sunshine for mee (: XOXO
Saturday, July 1
Friday, June 23
Ever since the end of exams, I have been undergoing major apoptosis. My cells are dying and regenerating and when it's time to study I'll be allll gooooooood (:
Driving is not fun. I don't like driving for all that is at stake. However, I am committing myself to driving at least once a day so that by the end of the holidays, I would hopefully be at least a bit more promising behind the wheel. Since March this year, I have been able to drive on my own without a supervisor. However, that doesn't mean I have....right up until yesterday! I took my virgin car ride yesterday all on my own! It was a short trip with no parking involved albeit a very nerve-wrecking one. Sometimes I wish I were a guy, driving seems a hell lot easier for them.
My days have been a pathetic blur. I wake up, bake food, nibble at my baking, muck around, have dinner and stone. I have, however, found Sudoku! Even better, I found a crack to kill the timer on my trial version software which made everything a whole lot sweeter.
Ok I'm going to play sudoku now (:
Driving is not fun. I don't like driving for all that is at stake. However, I am committing myself to driving at least once a day so that by the end of the holidays, I would hopefully be at least a bit more promising behind the wheel. Since March this year, I have been able to drive on my own without a supervisor. However, that doesn't mean I have....right up until yesterday! I took my virgin car ride yesterday all on my own! It was a short trip with no parking involved albeit a very nerve-wrecking one. Sometimes I wish I were a guy, driving seems a hell lot easier for them.
My days have been a pathetic blur. I wake up, bake food, nibble at my baking, muck around, have dinner and stone. I have, however, found Sudoku! Even better, I found a crack to kill the timer on my trial version software which made everything a whole lot sweeter.
Ok I'm going to play sudoku now (:
Monday, June 19
chilblains and pee!
To celebrate the onset of ridiculously frosty weather characteristic of dunedin winter, I got myself chilblains on extremities FR345.
H: hands ; F: foot
R: right ; L: left
1, 2 ,3 ,4, 5 referring to the digits on one's hand
It is horrible and yet I seem to get it every winter. It is sore and thank god it doesn't go gross on me and blister. It just gets uber uber itchy at nights when I'm trying to sleep. One itchy bitch I tell you. So in my desperation, I go online and look for chilblain remedies, and one crazy website tells me to "reserve urine and bathe foot in it for 3-5 minutes" How utterly horrible. Not only will you go to bed itchy, but you will smell too. I will sooner scratch myself raw than bathe my affected area in pee.
It is really weird not having Hans around after spending every single day of my year this year with him. This time apart will really do us good, but at the moment I am finding myself a little lost at times. Thank God for family here to occupy me and a new car to learn to drive.
I must credit my mum for being one brave champ and taking me driving in the car. The next 3 weeks of my driving is going to be all supervised by Mum, so... I love you Mum! Even if I get cross at you in the car you must know that I'm trying really hard to do what you tell me to do!

I miss you, buddy
H: hands ; F: foot
R: right ; L: left
1, 2 ,3 ,4, 5 referring to the digits on one's hand
It is horrible and yet I seem to get it every winter. It is sore and thank god it doesn't go gross on me and blister. It just gets uber uber itchy at nights when I'm trying to sleep. One itchy bitch I tell you. So in my desperation, I go online and look for chilblain remedies, and one crazy website tells me to "reserve urine and bathe foot in it for 3-5 minutes" How utterly horrible. Not only will you go to bed itchy, but you will smell too. I will sooner scratch myself raw than bathe my affected area in pee.
It is really weird not having Hans around after spending every single day of my year this year with him. This time apart will really do us good, but at the moment I am finding myself a little lost at times. Thank God for family here to occupy me and a new car to learn to drive.
I must credit my mum for being one brave champ and taking me driving in the car. The next 3 weeks of my driving is going to be all supervised by Mum, so... I love you Mum! Even if I get cross at you in the car you must know that I'm trying really hard to do what you tell me to do!

I miss you, buddy

Sunday, June 18
Meet Old Soul

For Fathers' Day today, my dad bought a new car for the family! When I say new car for the family, it actually means a learning car for Carol, Co and I that won't cause a massive heart ache if we accidentally dent. One day when I become so so fine at driving and whizzing around, I am going to buy myself a reeeaallly flash car to zoom around in. But for now I will happily settle for second-hand Jap car to bring me places! So, to commemorate this fine fine landmark day, we have decided to name the car old soul. Happy Fathers' Day, Pap!
This weekend has been a breakthrough one. My mum sat in my car for the first time in 2 years of me (learning to) driving. Of course she didn't have a choice, we were in the middle of nowhere test driving cars, but MAN I would have fainted if I were her. Like Hans gently reminded me while trying to resucitate the car You're stalling in the middle of a highway, Jo. Scary part was that I wasn't panicking because I've been in hairier situations. I CAN'T WAIT TO BE ABLE TO DRIVE properly!

Thursday, June 15
Life is getting a bit more exciting
The fact that exams are over tmr and my life is picking up just goes to show how bad exams are for you.
Chessy we got an inverter installed into the dining area so we have warm warm air blowing at us and it's not cold anymore!
I installed this programme and now I have to catalogue about 5000 photos in my computer. I really don't know how I acquired so many photos within 2ish years but it gives me a chance to go through and delete all this junk I never got down to doing. I've been through a measly two folders out of 50 probably and I'm pretty sure I'll come across heaps of interesting ones which I'll put up! (Chessy, you die! You know most of my retarded shots are with you)
Hans leaves on Sunday which leaves me TWENTY-TWO days to myself! After he comes back there's physics terms, UMAT, my uber cool haircut with him and then my braces come off! I was watching greys the other day and she said something like like braces and training bras and I was like uhhhhh I guess I'm a few years late, if I were wearing a training bra now, I would die to see what I'd be like after. Hehe, RARO! =D I cannot wait. Twenty-two days to myself, I'm really not sure what I'm going to do, but I'll find something to do.
English is tmr and the marking within the department is worse than a menopausal woman, seriously. :/
Chessy we got an inverter installed into the dining area so we have warm warm air blowing at us and it's not cold anymore!
I installed this programme and now I have to catalogue about 5000 photos in my computer. I really don't know how I acquired so many photos within 2ish years but it gives me a chance to go through and delete all this junk I never got down to doing. I've been through a measly two folders out of 50 probably and I'm pretty sure I'll come across heaps of interesting ones which I'll put up! (Chessy, you die! You know most of my retarded shots are with you)
Hans leaves on Sunday which leaves me TWENTY-TWO days to myself! After he comes back there's physics terms, UMAT, my uber cool haircut with him and then my braces come off! I was watching greys the other day and she said something like like braces and training bras and I was like uhhhhh I guess I'm a few years late, if I were wearing a training bra now, I would die to see what I'd be like after. Hehe, RARO! =D I cannot wait. Twenty-two days to myself, I'm really not sure what I'm going to do, but I'll find something to do.
English is tmr and the marking within the department is worse than a menopausal woman, seriously. :/
Monday, June 12
a geek's room!
Anyone who knows me would know that I am ordinarily a really neat freak. Mess kills me and eats into my very being but anything out of sight is as good as out of mind for me. If I see mess, I can shove it into a cupboard and will myself really hard not to instinctively scramble to the cupboard to arrange it back by shape size and colour.
So anyway, the past week or so has been all about studying and I honestly haven't had the time to make space anywhere except at my desk. My clotheshorse is getting fattttterr, I chuck everything onto it. so anyway, tonight I stood in the middle of my room and looked round with pride, my room is becoming more like that of a geek's!
If grades are absolutely reflective of the amount of mess in a person's room, I will happily open my cupboards, fling everything onto the floor, walk into my room with shoes, and eat frosted cornflakes in bed! I will try anything, give me my marks :(
So anyway, the past week or so has been all about studying and I honestly haven't had the time to make space anywhere except at my desk. My clotheshorse is getting fattttterr, I chuck everything onto it. so anyway, tonight I stood in the middle of my room and looked round with pride, my room is becoming more like that of a geek's!
If grades are absolutely reflective of the amount of mess in a person's room, I will happily open my cupboards, fling everything onto the floor, walk into my room with shoes, and eat frosted cornflakes in bed! I will try anything, give me my marks :(
Saturday, June 10
Bio die-o
As 1200 other students might have also exclaimed today One down! Two more to go!
I am so excited because I just have to study hard Sat/Sun/Mon, and by Tuesday, Chem will be over. I get to slack off till English on Friday and my dad is coming!
I cannot wait :)
This is a really random post in a poor attempt to revive my blog.
Anyway, I have a feeling Chem might be a killer paper, but hopefully my preparation for the paper will pay off. However, the fact that I'm still up at 1230am when I have a huge study day later on is not helping.
Anyway, Physics this year is seriously pretty slack and I love it! This is what it says:
midyear exam contribution towards the final mark in this paper is 18%.
We operate a system of plussage which means you get the opportunity to
improve your midyear exam mark by your performance in the final exam.
If your percentage score in the final exam is better than your
percentage score in the midyear exam, we replace your midyear exam
score with your final exam score when calculating the contribution of
the midyear exam to your total mark for the paper. Plussage allows you
to translate improvements in understanding over the whole course into a
better mark at the end of the course, and to learn from the experience
of sitting the midyear exam.
The next time you hear from me, I will be one FREEEEE bird!
I am so excited because I just have to study hard Sat/Sun/Mon, and by Tuesday, Chem will be over. I get to slack off till English on Friday and my dad is coming!
I cannot wait :)
This is a really random post in a poor attempt to revive my blog.
Anyway, I have a feeling Chem might be a killer paper, but hopefully my preparation for the paper will pay off. However, the fact that I'm still up at 1230am when I have a huge study day later on is not helping.
Anyway, Physics this year is seriously pretty slack and I love it! This is what it says:
midyear exam contribution towards the final mark in this paper is 18%.
We operate a system of plussage which means you get the opportunity to
improve your midyear exam mark by your performance in the final exam.
If your percentage score in the final exam is better than your
percentage score in the midyear exam, we replace your midyear exam
score with your final exam score when calculating the contribution of
the midyear exam to your total mark for the paper. Plussage allows you
to translate improvements in understanding over the whole course into a
better mark at the end of the course, and to learn from the experience
of sitting the midyear exam.
IMPORTANT. Plussage operates only to improve your overall
mark. This means that if your midyear exam score is better than your
final exam score, we use your midyear exam score to calculate the
midyear exam contribution towards your final overall mark.
This year plussage will operate whether or not you sit the midyear
exam. However, you should recognise that it is in your best interests
to sit the midyear exam.
The next time you hear from me, I will be one FREEEEE bird!
Saturday, June 3
The fight to come out Unscathed
I am still alive.
Under this mess of papers, textbooks and files is this pathetic flailing body struggling to breathe.
Just for the record, Health Sciences First Year 2006 is quite a messed-up course. So much for it being The Year to compete for entrance into professional degrees.
I will regain my composure in exactly 14 days time. Tiddlydoos till then!
Under this mess of papers, textbooks and files is this pathetic flailing body struggling to breathe.
Just for the record, Health Sciences First Year 2006 is quite a messed-up course. So much for it being The Year to compete for entrance into professional degrees.
I will regain my composure in exactly 14 days time. Tiddlydoos till then!
Saturday, May 27
my TRAMP-oliney CHESS
Chesky, you are super super lucky that blogger is malfunctioning in your favour and I can't put up a super photo of you. Nevermind, as soon as it is working again, it will go up!
To my dearest chisky,
YOU ARE OLD! Haha, I just did that to make your ass pucker and make you go RAR! Haha, you were 16 last year, too bad, you are 18 18 18 18 this year! Hahaha. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 years!!
I got to know you inside out on your 17th year, and knowing you and what is most important to you, I cannot be more happy for anyone else that you get to spend your special 18 at home with family :)
It has been an immense blessing to have had the opportunity to embark on a exciting journey last year in January, and I hope the following 11 months were as memorable and sweet as they are for me. I will always hold those memories of the tears, laughter, farts, screams and ugly faces that we shared as room mates and eventually host-sisters very dear to my heart.
I am so grateful that you are this trigger-happy camera geek that took photos at every opportunity because now I have this massive album that I can look back and smile at. If I could, I would put up every single picture that means something to me, but blogger sucks and chessy got lucky. The experiences we had from 2005 are too vast for me to recount each and every one of them, but can I just say chix, that there is no better person around than you. No one would tolerate the amount of nonsense and emotions that I come with, only you would do silly videos with me!
I do miss you heaps this year, but I know that you are having too much fun in Singapore and that is more important! The fun from 2005 will last me awhile :)
This is the most fragmented entry ever, but I hope you get what I mean cheskarella! You are my pee-culiar friend! HAHHAHAHAHAHAA. kidneys kidneys!
To my dearest chisky,
YOU ARE OLD! Haha, I just did that to make your ass pucker and make you go RAR! Haha, you were 16 last year, too bad, you are 18 18 18 18 this year! Hahaha. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 years!!
I got to know you inside out on your 17th year, and knowing you and what is most important to you, I cannot be more happy for anyone else that you get to spend your special 18 at home with family :)
It has been an immense blessing to have had the opportunity to embark on a exciting journey last year in January, and I hope the following 11 months were as memorable and sweet as they are for me. I will always hold those memories of the tears, laughter, farts, screams and ugly faces that we shared as room mates and eventually host-sisters very dear to my heart.
I am so grateful that you are this trigger-happy camera geek that took photos at every opportunity because now I have this massive album that I can look back and smile at. If I could, I would put up every single picture that means something to me, but blogger sucks and chessy got lucky. The experiences we had from 2005 are too vast for me to recount each and every one of them, but can I just say chix, that there is no better person around than you. No one would tolerate the amount of nonsense and emotions that I come with, only you would do silly videos with me!
I do miss you heaps this year, but I know that you are having too much fun in Singapore and that is more important! The fun from 2005 will last me awhile :)
This is the most fragmented entry ever, but I hope you get what I mean cheskarella! You are my pee-culiar friend! HAHHAHAHAHAHAA. kidneys kidneys!
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