Friday, June 23


Ever since the end of exams, I have been undergoing major apoptosis. My cells are dying and regenerating and when it's time to study I'll be allll gooooooood (:

Driving is not fun. I don't like driving for all that is at stake. However, I am committing myself to driving at least once a day so that by the end of the holidays, I would hopefully be at least a bit more promising behind the wheel. Since March this year, I have been able to drive on my own without a supervisor. However, that doesn't mean I have....right up until yesterday! I took my virgin car ride yesterday all on my own! It was a short trip with no parking involved albeit a very nerve-wrecking one. Sometimes I wish I were a guy, driving seems a hell lot easier for them.

My days have been a pathetic blur. I wake up, bake food, nibble at my baking, muck around, have dinner and stone. I have, however, found Sudoku! Even better, I found a crack to kill the timer on my trial version software which made everything a whole lot sweeter.

Ok I'm going to play sudoku now (:

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